we go by many different swarm names. including "WARNING: BIOHAZARDOUS MATERIAL", "Narcissus' Curse", "Death Walk" and more. But for simplicity's sake, you may refer to us as "THE MASK". we are a DID swarm, with traumagenic origins alongside others. we have many unique and personal functions, and use lots of different labels to describe ourselves. we are unsure how many zombies we have exactly, and to be honest, the number is not all that important to us.
Traumagenic refers to a system whose creation / origin is the result of one or more traumatic events.
Adaptive refers to systems which formed in response to trauma or other adversity. A common trait of such systems is viewing plurality as adapting, healing, and overcoming obstacles.
Spontaneous refers to systems that formed suddenly without a particular cause. This can happen in various ways, such as dissociation, or walk-ins.
a descriptor for systems with more than one origin
Complexgenic is a term for systems whose origins lie in being complex, origins that are complex or having a system structure that is complex and is related to their origins in some way.
Stressgenic refers to a system or system member whose origin is the result of stress.
Supragenic is a system that existed previously for natural reasons, but had its functions or members altered after a traumatic event.
An innate system is a system, which was created from birth or was formed from traits they've had since birth.
Corruptiongenic is a system, sisasystem, or headmate whose origin came from the mind being corrupted in some form, as one’s mind starts to change over time.
Temagenic (from Greek "τεμάχιο" [temáchio] meaning "fragment, scrap" ) refers to a system that came about through the prior dismantling of one or more systems. It may occur any number of times, including indefinitely.
Cosmagenic refers to systems who have headmates who originated from other planes of existence, universes, timelines, realms, etc.
Kheraumic is a system modifier for adaptive system who view their system through a spiritual lens while still acknowledging their trauma and how it impacts their system.
DID is most known for its alters (or headmates), but it is much more complex than just having multiple individuals in one mind.
A partitionary system is one where the divisions between headmates are particularly solidly defined.
Polyconscious refers to a system (or subsystem, layer, etc.) with multiple consciousnesses. Members have their own individual consciousness, rather than sharing one together.
An amnesiac system is one with limited or no memory sharing.
Complural, or complur, is a term for plurals who are extremely complex.
A collectien system is a system without a designated host.
A gateway system is one connected to other worlds via portals or gates that are experienced as real and external to the system, body, and brain.
A maskless system is one that acts or is overt. It is easier to distinguish the fronters of a maskless system because there is no “mask” preventing fronters from acting as themselves.
Polyplural is an umbrella term for a system that has a complex structure with many layers and/or sisasystems.
A circutien system is one that goes through regular cycles of gaining and losing members
An amnesiabased system is one based in amnesia or memory problems.
An ASPDbased system is heavily influenced by having ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder)
A BPDbased system is heavily influenced by having Borderline Personality Disorder
Codebased is a term for a system that is based in code.
A delusionbased system is one that is based in one or more delusions.
A fixabased system is one whose headmates and/or structures are based on special interests or hyperfixations.
Fracturebased refers to a system that is based in fragmentation, splitting, or fracturing as a concept.
Hypersexbased, is a system based in one’s hypersexuality.
A MaDDbased system is heavily influenced by having Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder
An NPDbased system is heavily influenced by having Narcissistic Personality Disorder
A selfshipbased system is a system whose functions, headspace, system members, etc that are affected by self-shipping.
A corpospatial headspace, layer, or sector feels tangible in some way.
Distemporal is a term describing a headspace with a flow of time that differs from outspace
A Layer Paradox is a layer or multiple layers within another layer.
Mutovisum refers to a headspace in which visibility changes when viewed by headmates. Visibility may fluctuate due to mood, activity, focus, dissociation, or anything else.
NPCs (short for non-playable character) are constructs that are found in a system's headspace but are not part of the system itself
An intercosm is a place in a system that is between a layer/other system area and paracosm.
Reality Gateway is a gateway in a system that leads to an alternate reality